Baby Whitaker's Birth Story

Through Mama's words...

"I felt mild cramps all day, and made sure to rest, walk, eat, and hydrate. Regular contractions started in earnest at dinner, and by 9pm my water had broken and my doula arrived.

Things weren't progressing much- I was able to chat and joke in between contractions still- so Traci (my doula) told me to take a relaxing bath. "Baths don't lie", she said. That did the trick! I relaxed, laid down in bed, and went into hard labor immediately. After a *very* slow walk down the stairs, we left for the hospital. We arrived at the ER at 10:40pm, and our perfect boy was born 15 minutes later on the gurney.

It was fast and furious, and so perfect! I look back on that evening with nothing but gratitude and happiness."

Shortly after Whitaker's birth, Mama was rolled back to the OR for assistance with the placenta. She lost so much blood, she was still receiving some through her IV when we came back the following day for their Fresh 48 session. We thought it was important to show the IV pole and bags of plasma (instead of trying to hide it), as that was a part of their story, too! ❤

Please enjoy some highlights from Whitaker's birth! We were so honored to be invited to share in it. Leave a word of praise or encouragement for his Mamas here ❤

#ThisIsBirth #BrandNew #HelloBaby #BirthStory #BirthPhotography

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